Shoppable Video

Experience an 80% Boost in Conversion Rates with Shoppable Videos

Turn your engaging video content on Instagram, TikTok, Youtube and more into shoppable content and watch your conversions skyrocket! Show your products in their most authentic light and turn your visitors into shoppers.

Know How

Shoppable Videos Directly Impact Revenue

One-Click Seamless Checkout 

Tag products in your videos and include direct checkout links that enable customers to reach the checkout page seamlessly. Streamline the purchasing journey by minimizing clicks to purchase and shorten the sales cycle

Save Time and Auto Upload Products Within Seconds

Sync over 1,000 products in shoppable videos, embed them on your website, and watch your conversion rates climb.
Our platform auto-syncs your products and fetches complete product page details like size, color availability, material, care instructions etc, saving you time and manual effort.

Display Your Products in their Most Authentic Form to Build Trust

Constantly producing rich media for your marketing campaign is expensive and time-consuming. Fetch high-engaging videos from your hashtags and utilize them as shoppable content.
With intuitive shoppable videos, stand out from the crowd and give the customers a convenient shoppable experience.

Manage all your Videos from a Single Screen

Bring Your Incredible Video Content from Multiple Sources and Put It to Work.

Embed shoppable UGC Videos to Your Site within Seconds 

Embed shoppable UGC videos with the flexibility to customize using 20+ industry-leading templates. With Idukki’s video suite, customize your widgets as per your brand guidelines and display them across your website without writing a single line of code!

Know what works and repeat!

Our intuitive analytics suite helps you understand the videos that worked for you and those that didn’t. Make informed decisions by analyzing important KPI’s like watch time, impressions, clicks on videos etc. and watch your on-site revenue grow !
Create a seamless

Shopping Experience Across Multiple Channels

Vite + Preact
Product Features

Shoppable Videos Directly Impact Revenue 

Why Choose Us
24*7 Support
Idukki offers in-person customer support in no time. Our dedicated team ensures that you get up and running quickly. 
No Code Integration
Idukki stands out with its ability to seamlessly integrate with a wide array of marketing tools and social media platforms. 
Idukki stands out as the ultimate UGC platform designed for every team—from marketing to sales. Our platform offers unparalleled flexibility 

Related Blog

Social Media Content

The demand for having shoppable videos is increasing in the eCommerce spectrum. Use this as an excuse to use shoppable videos in your marketing mix.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the answers to the most commonly asked questions.

A shoppable video is an interactive marketing tool that lets viewers purchase products directly while watching the video content. This immersive experience replicates in-store shopping without the need to leave the social or video platform. By making a video shoppable, you enable shoppers to buy products when they are engaged with your content, enhancing their shopping experience and boosting your sales.
Shoppable videos turn standard videos into interactive experiences, boosting on-site engagement and converting viewers into buyers at 2-3 times higher rates than regular videos. By answering product questions and influencing faster purchasing decisions, brands using shoppable videos often see significant sales increases, often in the five to six-figure range. Enhance your marketing with shoppable videos to drive engagement and boost sales.

No, they don’t. Here’s how we ensure it: Compact Scripts: Idukki's scripts are just over 100kb, much smaller than a typical YouTube video embed. Lite Video Embedding: We use compressed thumbnails that load first. The full video player only loads when the user clicks the thumbnail.

Videos boost shopper engagement and increase the time they spend on your site. They provide unbeatable social proof, informing shoppers about your products and making them more likely to purchase.
Absolutely! We highly recommend it for the best results. You can add videos to any page of your online store and even include multiple types of video widgets on the same page. For instance, you can feature a large presentation video at the top of your homepage, a YouTube carousel with video reviews in the middle, and Instagram stories at the bottom. All interactions within your video content are tracked for insights into shopper behavior.
You can add as many videos as you want and create different layouts in our video editor.
Yes, leverage our integrations with TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, and more to capture engaging videos from your company’s hashtags.
Absolutely! Import all your video content into our platform and embed them across your homepage, product pages, checkout page, or even blogs.
MP4 is the best format. If you don't have videos in MP4 format, we suggest converting them before uploading to Idukki’s platform.
Idukki's intuitive analytics dashboard shows the exact number of conversions from video widgets. It also tracks KPIs like average watch time , clicks and impressions on videos.

Enhance Your Website with Tik tok Widgets


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