Beauty and Cosmetics

Enhance Authenticity for your Beauty & Cosmetics Brand

Showcase real user experiences through shoppable UGC and visually captivating galleries seamlessly integrated into your online store. Build trust, engage customers, and boost sales with content that truly resonates.


Beauty & Cosmetics

Enhance Authenticity for your Beauty & Cosmetics Brand

Showcase real user experiences through shoppable UGC and visually captivating galleries seamlessly integrated into your online store. Build trust, engage customers, and boost sales with content that truly resonates.


We have partnered with the best​

We have partnered with the best​

Deliver Real Shopping Experiences to Engaged Website Visitors


Fewer Cart Abandonments

Honest customer reviews lend credibility and reduce hesitations. This leads to higher add-to-cart rates and fewer abandoned carts.


Get your In-person testers

UGC provides real-life photos/videos showcasing products on real skin types, allowing customers to see how a product looks on certain skin types before buying.


Styling Tips and Inspiration

Millennials make purchasing decisions based on how a product is looking on their peers. Influence purchase decisions and build an active social community.

Transform Your Brand with Authentic Visual Content At Scale

Show your products on diverse skin types

Let your customers see how products look on people with similar skin tones and types. This real-world perspective helps them choose products faster and with more confidence.


Drive Aspiration and Exclusivity

Use UGC to create a sense of aspiration and exclusivity around your products. Increase their perceived value and desirability by showcasing your customers in action.


Seamless Social Commerce Integration

Inspire sales by displaying product reviews and user-generated visuals directly on your product pages. Turn real customer experiences into powerful selling tools.


Engaging UGC Contests and Campaigns

Run exciting UGC contests and campaigns to build a community, boost brand advocacy, and generate a steady stream of on-brand content. Keep your audience engaged and your content relevant!


Transform Your Brand with Authentic Visual Content At Scale


Show your products on diverse skin types

Let your customers see how products look on people with similar skin tones and types. This real-world perspective helps them choose products faster and with more confidence.


Drive Aspiration and Exclusivity

Use UGC to create a sense of aspiration and exclusivity around your products. Increase their perceived value and desirability by showcasing your customers in action.


Seamless Social Commerce Integration

Inspire sales by displaying product reviews and user-generated visuals directly on your product pages. Turn real customer experiences into powerful selling tools.


Engaging UGC Contests and Campaigns

Run exciting UGC contests and campaigns to build a community, boost brand advocacy, and generate a steady stream of on-brand content. Keep your audience engaged and your content relevant!


Case Study

How We Help Clients All Around The World


Title goes here

Description goes here – How do you create compelling presentations that wow your colleagues and impress your managers?


Why do Beauty and Cosmetics Brands need Idukki?


Moderation and Customization

Powerful moderation and customizaton feature to remove profane content and customize as per your brand guidelines.


SEO Friendly Widgets

Our widgets are super fast and also make your pages SEO optimised. Add widgets on home page, product page gallery, and checkout page to provide social proof at all customer touch points.


Performance Analytics

Track vital performance metrics like no. of impressions, sentiments, conversions and more to optimize your campaign & maximize ROI.


Automatic Rights Management

Streamlines content approvals, ensures safe content usage, and simplifies legalities.


Profanity Filter

Do not worry about inappropriate posts slipping through. Our AI can automatically detect and filter out obscenities, explicit content, and off-brand content before it goes live.


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