Social Media Marketing

Social Media Aggregator Tools for Website and Display in 2024

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, social media has transformed the way businesses connect and engage with their target audience.


In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, social media has transformed the way businesses connect and engage with their target audience.

To tap into the power of social media, website owners are increasingly leveraging social media aggregator tools. These tools enable seamless integration of social media content onto websites, creating a dynamic and interactive user experience.

In this blog, we will explore the top social media aggregator tools for website and display in 2024.

We will dive into the features, pros, and cons of each tool, helping you make an informed decision based on your specific needs and preferences.

By integrating social media aggregator tools into your website, you can enhance user engagement, showcase authentic user-generated content, and boost brand awareness.

These tools not only add visually appealing and interactive elements to your website but also provide social proof and real-time updates, captivating your website visitors and fostering a sense of community.

Discover the top social media aggregator tools for website display in 2024. Enhance user engagement and showcase authentic content. Read more now!


What are Social Media Aggregator Tools?

Before diving into the specific tools, let’s understand what social media aggregator tools are.

Social media aggregator tools are platforms or plugins that gather and curate content from various social media platforms and display it in a unified manner on websites.

These tools aggregate content based on specific hashtags, keywords, handles, or user-generated content.

By leveraging social media aggregator tools, website owners can showcase real-time social media content and engage their website visitors with visually appealing and interactive displays.

Top Social Media Aggregator Tools for Website Display in 2024

Now, let’s explore some of the leading social media aggregator tools that can elevate your website’s user experience in 2024:

1. Idukki:


Idukki is a user-friendly social media aggregator tool that allows website owners to curate and display real-time social media feeds on their websites.

It supports popular social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and more, making it easy to gather content from various sources.


  1. User-friendly interface for easy navigation and setup.

  2. Supports popular social media platforms, allowing for content aggregation from multiple sources.

  3. Advanced moderation features enable filtering and curation of relevant content.

  4. Customization options offer visually appealing displays that align with website branding.

  5. Real-time updates ensure that the displayed social media feeds are always up to date.


Limitations in the free version with restricted features.

Try Idukki

2. Juicer:

Juicer is a straightforward and intuitive social media aggregator tool that simplifies the process of curating and displaying social media content on websites.

It supports various social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and more, making it versatile for content aggregation.


  1. Simple and intuitive tool suitable for beginners.

  2. Supports multiple social media platforms, providing flexibility in content aggregation.

  3. Customizable widgets allow for the creation of engaging and visually appealing displays.

  4. Provides moderation features to filter out unwanted content.

  5. Offers analytics to track the performance and engagement of social media feeds.


  1. Design customization options may have some limitations.

  2. Advanced features may only be available in higher-priced plans.

3. TINT:

TINT is a comprehensive social media aggregator tool that offers advanced features for curating and displaying social media content.

It provides real-time updates, ensuring that the displayed content is always fresh and engaging.

TINT supports various social media platforms, allowing for a wider range of content aggregation.


  1. Real-time updates for fresh content display.

  2. Advanced moderation features enable maintaining content quality.

  3. Customization options to create visually appealing displays.

  4. Supports various social media platforms, ensuring broader content aggregation.

  5. Data collection and insights help in understanding audience behavior.


  1. Pricing plans may be costly, making it less accessible for smaller businesses.

  2. The interface may be overwhelming for beginners due to the range of features.

4. is a versatile social media aggregator tool that supports multiple social media platforms.

It provides a range of display options, including grids, carousels, and slideshows, allowing website owners to curate visually appealing social media feeds.


  1. Supports multiple social media platforms, making it versatile for content aggregation.

  2. Various display options, including grids, carousels, and slideshows.

  3. Advanced moderation and automation features for efficient content curation.

  4. Suitable for businesses of all sizes, from small enterprises to large organizations.


  1. Some advanced features may require technical knowledge or assistance.

  2. Pricing plans might be expensive for businesses with more advanced requirements.

5. Flockler:

Flockler focuses on visual storytelling by allowing website owners to curate and display visually stunning social media feeds.

It offers customizable templates and responsive design options, ensuring a seamless user experience across different devices.


  1. Focuses on visual storytelling, enabling visually stunning displays.

  2. Customizable templates and responsive design options for seamless user experience.

  3. Provides analytics to track engagement and performance.

  4. Supports content aggregation from multiple social media platforms.


  1. Limited customization options for advanced design changes.

  2. Pricing plans may not be suitable for budget-conscious businesses.

6. EmbedSocial:

EmbedSocial is a social media aggregator tool that allows website owners to aggregate and display social media content on their websites.

It supports popular social media platforms and offers customization features to create visually appealing displays.


  1. Supports popular social media platforms for content aggregation.

  2. Customization options available for different display styles and templates.

  3. Provides responsive design to ensure compatibility across devices.


  1. Limited advanced features compared to other tools.

  2. Some customization options may require technical knowledge.

7. RebelMouse:

RebelMouse is a social media aggregator tool that helps users curate and display content from various social media platforms.

It offers customization options and provides analytics to track the performance of social media feeds.


  1. Supports content aggregation from multiple social media platforms.

  2. Customization options available for personalized display.

  3. Provides analytics to measure the impact of social media content.


  1. Advanced features may require technical expertise.

  2. Pricing plans might be expensive for businesses with specific needs.

8. FeedWind:

FeedWind enables website owners to create custom social media feeds and embed them on their websites.

It supports multiple social media platforms and offers design options like grids, lists, and carousels.


  1. Supports various social media platforms for content aggregation.

  2. Offers customizable design options for different feed styles.

  3. Allows embedding social media feeds on websites.


  1. Limited advanced features compared to other tools.

  2. Design customization options may be less flexible.

These tools offer a range of features and customization options for curating and displaying social media content on websites.

It’s important to consider the specific needs and preferences of your website when choosing the most suitable tool.


In the age of social media dominance, integrating social media aggregator tools into your website has become essential to enhance user engagement, display authentic content, and boost brand visibility.

The aforementioned social media aggregator tools, such as Idukki, Juicer, TINT,, and Flockler, offer a wide range of features and customization options to suit the unique requirements of your website.

By leveraging these tools, you can create visually appealing and interactive displays that captivate your audience and foster a sense of community.

Stay ahead of the curve and embrace the power of social media aggregator tools to elevate your website’s user experience in 2024 and beyond.

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